Protected Geographical Indication Café de Colombia

It is a legal instrument, mandatory in countries where its protection is recognized by law, regulated by the European Union (EU) that identifies a food product that originates from a specific place, a reputation , a quality or other characteristic that can essentially be attributed to its geographical origin, in this case the Colombian Coffee , and at least one of its production, transformation or elaboration phases is carried out in the geographical area defined.
One of the most significant steps that Colombian coffee has achieved is having complied with all the controls and evaluations associated with the European standards for geographical indications. In October 2007, after more than two years of evaluation of the files by the European Commission in Brussels, Café de Colombia became the first agri-food product from a country other than those that make up the European Union , to receive such recognition.
The PGI seal is a identification mark of the European Union (EU) , created in 1992. This mark is a guarantee of origin for the producers and in this case the distributors of Colombian Coffee, allowing guarantee the authenticity of its product and compliance with the quality standards of Café de Colombia.
What is the European Union (EU)
The European Union (EU) is a political and economic union of 28 Member States, which share some of their powers, institutions, united in a compromise. The EU has built a single market based on “four freedoms”, that allows the free movement of people, goods, services and capital between all its states.

28 Member States:
Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain and Sweden.

Protected Geographical
Indication Café de Colombia

Regulation 1050 of September 12, 2007 of the European Economic Commission (EC) . By which certain denominations are registered in the Register of Protected Denomination of Origin and Protected Geographical Indications – Coffe of Colombia.

In the case of producers who do not have a registry of thresher, roaster, solubilizer or producer of coffee extract, they can carry out the certification process through the companies that provide the service to transform their coffee , such as threshers, roasters, solubilizers or coffee extract producers registered with the National Federation of Coffee Growers from Colombia.