About us
The Foundation for the Certification of Colombian Coffee – Cafecert , is a non-profit organization.

At CAFECERT we have ONAC accreditation, in force to date, with accreditation code 10-CPR-001 under the ISO / IEC 17065: 2012 standard to issue product conformity certificates of different types of Colombian origin coffee ( green, roasted, soluble and coffee extract).
CAFECERT processes are transparent, safe and reliable under the standards of the accredited standard.

Our mission
CAFECERT is a Certification Body that, through the impartial, competent and consistent application of pre-established evaluation criteria, provides confidence about the characteristics of certified products, thus facilitating their commercialization and protecting the interests of consumers.
Our vision
CAFECERT will maintain impartiality, competence and objectivity in product certification matters; and will develop new certification services, seeking to expand its portfolio of services to become a national and international benchmark in this area.
Our Principles

Provide certification services for any natural or legal person in the same way, without any type of discrimination, with absolute confidentiality and with the appropriate mechanisms that allow handling any conflict of interest; attending only to the pre-established criteria in the different policies, regulations, agreements, standards, procedures, instructions, under which the certification service is provided by CAFECERT.

Appropriation of work with seriousness and a spirit of service, to ensure timely compliance of the commitments acquired and achieve the satisfaction of those who receive CAFECERT services.

Provision of certification services, with rectitude and respect for ethical and moral principles , through acts with motivations that do not try to be disguised or hidden; making the information known in a clear, timely and correct manner.
The origin of
our resources
Currently, CAFECERT’s resources come from the provision of certification services, in Colombia and abroad, for roasters, threshers, solubilizers and coffee extract producers.
Our Accreditation
At CAFECERT we have ONAC accreditation, in force to date,
with accreditation code 10-CPR-001 under the ISO / IEC 17065: 2012 standard.